Adaptive Transformer Search

Unleash the power of LLMs and cutting-edge AI for intuitive and automatic product search.


Multi-Brand Fashion AB Test vs. Salesforce Commerce Search

We partnered with a leading multi-brand fashion retailer using Salesforce Commerce Cloud's native search to harness the power of large language models and drive a more intuitive search experience.

Search query coverage sky-rocketed without the need for extensive synonym and hard-code redirect rules that had burdened the team previously.

In the AB test, Particular Audience outperformed Salesforce Commerce Cloud with an incremental $1.7m in incremental revenue from search.


Increase in Conversion Rate
Incremental Revenue
Zero Result Rate


Adaptive Transformer Search in Outdoor Equipment

We partnered with Australia's Largest Camping, Hiking and Outdoor Equipment retailer, the diverse product range created challenges for search catering to customers looking for everything from Camping & Outdoor Gear to Caravan and RV Supplies to Electrical Accessories for 4x4s and vans.

We were able to train ATS on more than 160k positive sentence pairs which had a huge impact on the model and vector embeddings straight out of the gate.

Mate. Wow. After some brief testing this search is incredible

- Sean Fisher - Marketing Director


Drop in Zero Result Searches
Increase in Revenue per Search Session
Click Through Rate
Average Click Position


Adaptive Transformer Search in Multi-Brand Electronics

We partnered with a leading consumer electronics retailer to launch Adaptive Transformer Search (ATS) as an improvement to their prior personalized keyword site search.

ATS increased search attribution by +21.7%. We saw overall attribution to PA (including recommendations) increase by +13.3% demonstrating that the increase in search attribution was part of an overall increase in revenue.

In one week we successfully 'rescued' 373 search queries from zero results. Better yet, for these queries, we saw a 98% CTR.


Lift in search revenue
Increase in search conversion rate
Rescued zero search terms in one week
Click through rate on rescued terms


Dynamic Navigation & Menu Personalization

Menu personalization is something often overlooked on an eCommerce site, but the busier menus are, the less useful they become.

Particular Audience leverages search, browse and historic purchase signals to reorder navigation constituent ranking. Enabling a more convenient and personalized shopping journey increases customer loyalty and converts more often.

The brand menu is pay-to-play, lifting engagement even increases vendor monetization recurrence.

The online shopping operating environment has toughened arising from the return to physical shopping. This means KrisShop really needs to up our game in traffic conversion, which is Particular Audience’s forte. 

- Siauheong Pok - CEO & Shopkeeper

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Lift in Navigation Click Through Rate
Increase in Navigation Conversion Rate


Listing Page Personalization in Groceries

We partnered with DACH regions leading farm to table, organic online grocer to power onsite product recommendation and make listing pages dynamic to consumer intent. For example, the top row of the bakery section would reshuffle to show burger buns up top if a customer had just added mince to their cart.

A magically relevant user experience that drove a whopping 71.61% click conversion rate, on a click through rate of 3.88%.

Dynamic re-ranking would simply disappear as soon as a customer began to use facets and filters thereafter.


Click Through Rate
Click Conversion Rate
Higher Conversion to PDP Recommendations
Higher Conversion to Homepage Personalization

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